Thursday, November 17, 2011

Chiropractic may be a Solution for Autism

Individuals with autism are affected in different ways, but all seem to suffer from a triad of impairments: difficulty in interacting with others, impairments in social communication and difficulty thinking imaginatively. An absence of play is often one of the first obvious signs of autism.

The cause of autism is unknown; there are no universally accepted explanations. Current research favors a genetic component, although other factors are also implicated, including environmental triggers and imbalances in neurochemistry.

There is no medication that can ‘cure’ autism. When medication is used, it is to treat a particular symptom of the syndrome. Specialist education often dramatically improves the quality of life for sufferers and their families.

Many chiropractors and other therapists report good symptomatic improvements following treatment.
However, there is little literature available to support these claims.

Autism affects the way a person communicates and relates to people around them, particularly with respect to understanding other people's emotional expression. Learning difficulties may further compound the difficulties that they face.

The clinical picture of autism varies between individuals and it is for this reason that the concept of a spectrum of disorders was developed. The spectrum of autistic conditions is wide ranging. It varies from profound disability in some through to subtle problems of understanding in others of apparently average or above average intelligence. The autistic spectrum includes a number of other conditions that may or may not be separate syndromes, notably Asperger's syndrome. A diagnosis of Asperger's syndrome tends to include individuals at the higher functioning end of the autistic spectrum.

A series of chiropractic adjustments on 26 autistic children over a 9-month period. Twelve were found to have a left atlas laterality and 14 had a right atlas laterality. Outcomes from the study were varied but included normalization of deep tendon reflexes and dermatomal subjective sensation, increased cervical range of motion and reduction of other health problems. Many of the children were taken off Ritalin, bladder and bowel control improved, some children started to speak and eye contact and attention span also improved in some children. Hyperactivity and aggressive behavior were reduced in other children and five children were able to attend mainstream classes at school for the first time. Behavioral data, recorded by the teachers and parents, showed significant improvements in most cases.

For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at 440-639-9171 or visit our website at

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1 comment:

  1. Chiropractic treatment can benefit to autistic patients by restoring normal, healthy functioning to the nervous system by eradicating misalignments in the spine.

    best Fairfax chiropractor
