Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"Do You Smell Something Burning?"

A family medical doctor of a patient told him there are 3 stages of pain.  First the doctor explains the pain is bad enough to catch your attention.  The next stage the pain is bad enough that it takes hold of you, and in the final stage the pain is so bad it compels you to do something about it.”
So my patient then asks his doctor, “when it gets to stage three what should I do?”  Without a blink his doctor turns to him and says “take some Motrin…” (True and sad story)

The worst of all of this is that the patient actually thought his doctors advice was good and in many instances, the public follows what the medical doctor tells them as factual.
So, just as I asked this patient, I ask you:   “if your smoke detector went off in your home, the 1st time it would probably catch your attention.  If it went off a 2nd time it would most likely take hold of you.  But if it went off a 3rd time and finally compelled you to do something, would you take the batteries out so you wouldn’t have to hear it anymore?  “Of course not,” he replied “that would be stupid…” He got the point!  Do you get the point?

The moral of the story… Symptoms are your body’s attempt to warn you to help save it. Masking your symptoms (whether it be pain, sciatica, headaches, fibromyalgia, acid reflux, stress, numbness or tingling, nausea, diarrhea or fever) with drugs doesn’t fix the problem, it actually makes the situation worse.
Think about this for a second:  if you went to the dentist, would you want him to just inject a painful cavity with Novocaine and leave the cavity?  You know the cavity might not hurt anymore, but the cavity would continue to get worse and you would want the dentist to fix the tooth.
It’s smarter to find the cause and deal with it the right way.  That’s why they call Chiropractors DC’s because we are Doctors of finding the Cause!  Chiropractors don’t just cover up your pain, we find the cause and correct it.

For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic
at 440-639-9171 or visit our website: http://www.morriswellness.com/

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