Remember the lead character in Goldilocks and the Three Bears? She didn't settle for too hot, or too cold – too hard, or too soft. She kept trying until she found what was JUST RIGHT. When it comes to fighting disease, your body innately strives for the same thing.
Disease is nothing more than your body performing too much or too little of something. If your thyroid is
UNDER active, you have hypothyroidism. If your lungs OVER react to dust in the air, you experience asthma. If your heart pumps too HARD, you have high blood pressure. Health on the other hand is when your body is clearly directed by its inner wisdom to produce, adapt, regenerate, secrete, eliminate, filter and metabolize to a degree that's JUST RIGHT.
Chiropractors recognize that no doctor, pharmacy or research lab on the planet can live up to the awesome task of keeping EVERYTHING in your body working JUST RIGHT. Only innate intelligence, the immeasurable genius within you, is capable of handling that job. The best we can do as Chiropractors is to remove the stress that gets in its way. When we do, we know innate will only settle for what's JUST RIGHT inside you.
For more information or to schedule an appointment please call our office at 440-639-9171 or visit
our website at
***Be sure to check out our homepage for our exclusive internet offer***

Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 16, 2012
Where the Body Finds Answers
How much stomach acid does it take to digest a cheeseburger? Or, how much calcium is needed to heal a broken leg? How about a fever, how high should it reach to fight a common cold? You don't need to surf Google for the answers, your INNATE search engine already knows.
If you doubt there's genius inside you, just consider this – the 50,000,000 cells in your body that will die while you read this sentence… your innate intelligence knows how to replace every single one of them. The trillions of impulses coursing through your Nerve System at this moment… innate is moving them at speeds approaching 248 mile per hour. The number of heartbeats you'll get in your lifetime… innate reserved around 3 billion for you.
Google may be the web's leading source for information, but it's got nothing over your innate intelligence when it comes to keeping you alive and well. Innate has solutions to just about any health challenge you have. All you have to do is search within to find the answer.
For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at
440-639-9171 or visit our website at
**Be sure to check out our homepage for our exclusive new patient offer!**
If you doubt there's genius inside you, just consider this – the 50,000,000 cells in your body that will die while you read this sentence… your innate intelligence knows how to replace every single one of them. The trillions of impulses coursing through your Nerve System at this moment… innate is moving them at speeds approaching 248 mile per hour. The number of heartbeats you'll get in your lifetime… innate reserved around 3 billion for you.
Google may be the web's leading source for information, but it's got nothing over your innate intelligence when it comes to keeping you alive and well. Innate has solutions to just about any health challenge you have. All you have to do is search within to find the answer.
For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at
440-639-9171 or visit our website at
**Be sure to check out our homepage for our exclusive new patient offer!**
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Chiropractic Helps Digestive Disorders
The nervous system controls digestive function from several different regions. The vagus nerve which courses out of the brain stem and runs near the atlas bone innervates all the major organs of digestion and functions to stimulate the digestive process. Other major areas controlling the pace of digestion include the sympathetic nerves coming out of the thoracic & lumbar regions and the sacral parasympathetic nerve fibers. Spinal misalignment in any of these regions can lead to neurological compromise and altered digestive function.
Wellness oriented chiropractors (like ourselves) search for the location of such spinal misalignments termed `subluxations.` A specific chiropractic adjustment realigns the altered regions and restores nerve supply to the deficient organs. This approach honors the body's innate ability to heal and works to harmonize this incredible life force in order to enhance organ function & quality of life.
Several studies have demonstrated the power of chiropractic adjustments restoring optimal function in individuals with digestive disturbances. In a published case study, a young woman had been afflicted with IBS symptoms once or twice a week for 5 years. After one adjustment she noticed an easing of symptoms and within a short time all her digestive problems disappeared. When the report was published 2 years later she was still symptom free.
A 2008 study demonstrated how effective chiropractic care is for infants with digestive disturbances. Researchers chose three infants who were experiencing infrequent bowel movements from once a week to once every 3 or 4 days. Parents of these infants had tried several different laxatives and other procedures recommended by their medical staff. They had also followed specific dietary changes and the use of cod liver oil and mineral oil without any results. After consistant spinal adjustments, the infants bowel movements began to improve.
Subluxations within specific areas of the spine can prevent the bowel from functioning properly. Throughout the years it has been common place to see instances of people of all ages who have not had a bowel movement for days experience almost immediate relief after an adjustment. Regular chiropractic care can help patients establish a more natural rhythm of comfortable, effortless elimination.
Wellness oriented chiropractors (like ourselves) search for the location of such spinal misalignments termed `subluxations.` A specific chiropractic adjustment realigns the altered regions and restores nerve supply to the deficient organs. This approach honors the body's innate ability to heal and works to harmonize this incredible life force in order to enhance organ function & quality of life.
Several studies have demonstrated the power of chiropractic adjustments restoring optimal function in individuals with digestive disturbances. In a published case study, a young woman had been afflicted with IBS symptoms once or twice a week for 5 years. After one adjustment she noticed an easing of symptoms and within a short time all her digestive problems disappeared. When the report was published 2 years later she was still symptom free.
A 2008 study demonstrated how effective chiropractic care is for infants with digestive disturbances. Researchers chose three infants who were experiencing infrequent bowel movements from once a week to once every 3 or 4 days. Parents of these infants had tried several different laxatives and other procedures recommended by their medical staff. They had also followed specific dietary changes and the use of cod liver oil and mineral oil without any results. After consistant spinal adjustments, the infants bowel movements began to improve.
Subluxations within specific areas of the spine can prevent the bowel from functioning properly. Throughout the years it has been common place to see instances of people of all ages who have not had a bowel movement for days experience almost immediate relief after an adjustment. Regular chiropractic care can help patients establish a more natural rhythm of comfortable, effortless elimination.
For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at
440-639-9171 or visit our website at www.
You also have a chance to meet Dr. Misty Morris tomorrow at the Hellriegel's Inn at 6:00pm for our New Patient Orientation Dinner, it's a great way to be introduced to chiropractic and get some of your questions answered, and Dinner is on us! Just call to reserve your spot, we are filling fast, at 440-639-9171.
Monday, January 9, 2012
“Feeling a Bit Out of Tune?”
You can't sleep, your energy levels are low and you're finding it harder to make it through your day. The specialists insist there's nothing wrong, but you innately feel like something's out of tune. Maybe it's time to call the Chiropractor.
D.D. Palmer, the Father of Chiropractic, recognized that repetitive physical, chemical and emotional stress can alter the normal 'tone' within a person's Nerve System (a.k.a. Subluxation). This persistent irritation can lead to poor physical, mental and emotional performance. The solution? Restore normal tone to the Nerve
System with specific, Chiropractic adjustments and better health will naturally follow!
Health is the 'music' that plays when all your cells, tissues and organs vibrate perfectly in unison – orchestrated by a finely tuned Nerve System. If you're feeling sluggish, weak and tired, a trip to the Chiropractor may just be the thing YOU need to get back in key.
For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at
440-639-9171 or visit our website at, or you can join us for our New Patient Orientation Dinner please call for available times.
**Be sure to visit our website for our exclusive new patient offer!**
D.D. Palmer, the Father of Chiropractic, recognized that repetitive physical, chemical and emotional stress can alter the normal 'tone' within a person's Nerve System (a.k.a. Subluxation). This persistent irritation can lead to poor physical, mental and emotional performance. The solution? Restore normal tone to the Nerve
System with specific, Chiropractic adjustments and better health will naturally follow!
Health is the 'music' that plays when all your cells, tissues and organs vibrate perfectly in unison – orchestrated by a finely tuned Nerve System. If you're feeling sluggish, weak and tired, a trip to the Chiropractor may just be the thing YOU need to get back in key.
For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at
440-639-9171 or visit our website at, or you can join us for our New Patient Orientation Dinner please call for available times.
**Be sure to visit our website for our exclusive new patient offer!**
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Chiropractic Treatment for Neck Pain
Neck pain is a fairly common condition. Most people will experience it at some point in their lives with women reporting slightly higher instances of chronic pain. Pain medication often is the first line of defense against neck pain but it doesn’t solve the problem and many drugs carry the risk of harmful side effects. Chiropractic treatment for neck pain, including spinal adjustmentts are a non-invasive and drug-free therapy.
The first thing a chiropractor will want to know during your visit is the intensity and duration of your pain. Sometimes, the pain is merely a mild nuisance but severe neck pain can cause serious impairment of your daily activities. While mild to moderate pain is typically the temporary result of poor posture or carelessness when performing daily activities, severe neck pain can be a sign of a congenital defect such as scoliosis, an injury from a recent accident, or progressive age-related deterioration.
Although a chiropractor will use many of the same criteria as a physician when diagnosing neck pain, a chiropractic medical history tends to place greater weight on the fact that the neck is merely one part of the integrated biomechanical system that is the human spine. Systems such as accompanying shoulder or arm pain are considered in context of the underlying issue of chiropractic neck pain.
Spinal adjustments are an important part of the treatment program for chiropractic neck pain. This drug-free therapy simply involves the chiropractor using his or her hands to treat subluxations. A subluxation occurs when one or more vertebrae move out of position, thus creating pressure and irritation near the spinal nerves. Spinal adjustments can fix the subluxation, relieve pain in the soft tissues, increase circulation, and stimulate the body’s nervous system.
For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at
440-639-9171 or visit our website at
**Be sure to check out our exclusive new patient offer on our website**
The first thing a chiropractor will want to know during your visit is the intensity and duration of your pain. Sometimes, the pain is merely a mild nuisance but severe neck pain can cause serious impairment of your daily activities. While mild to moderate pain is typically the temporary result of poor posture or carelessness when performing daily activities, severe neck pain can be a sign of a congenital defect such as scoliosis, an injury from a recent accident, or progressive age-related deterioration.
Although a chiropractor will use many of the same criteria as a physician when diagnosing neck pain, a chiropractic medical history tends to place greater weight on the fact that the neck is merely one part of the integrated biomechanical system that is the human spine. Systems such as accompanying shoulder or arm pain are considered in context of the underlying issue of chiropractic neck pain.
Spinal adjustments are an important part of the treatment program for chiropractic neck pain. This drug-free therapy simply involves the chiropractor using his or her hands to treat subluxations. A subluxation occurs when one or more vertebrae move out of position, thus creating pressure and irritation near the spinal nerves. Spinal adjustments can fix the subluxation, relieve pain in the soft tissues, increase circulation, and stimulate the body’s nervous system.
For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at
440-639-9171 or visit our website at
**Be sure to check out our exclusive new patient offer on our website**
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
What is a Subluxation?
In simplest terms, a subluxation (a.k.a. Vertebral Subluxation) is when one or more of the bones of your spine (vertebrae) move out of position and create pressure on, or irritate spinal nerves. Spinal nerves are the nerves that come out from between each of the bones in your spine. This pressure or irritation on the nerves then causes those nerves to malfunction and interfere with the signals traveling over those nerves.
How does this affect you? Your nervous system controls and coordinates all the functions of your body. If you interfere with the signals traveling over nerves, parts of your body will not get the proper nerve messages and will not be able to function at 100% of their innate abilities. In other words, some part of your body will not be working properly.
It is the responsibility of the Doctor of Chiropractic to locate subluxations, and reduce or correct them. This is done through a series of chiropractic adjustments specifically designed to correct the vertebral subluxations in your spine. Chiropractors are the only professionals who undergo years of training to be the experts at correcting subluxations.
Now, the detailed explanation.
Subluxations are really a combination of changes going on at the same time. These changes occur both in your spine and throughout your body. For this reason chiropractors often refer to vertebral subluxations as the
"Vertebral Subluxation Complex", or "VSC" for short.
In the VSC, various things are happening inside your body simultaneously. These various changes, known as "components," are all part of the vertebral subluxation complex. Chiropractors commonly recognize five categories of components present in the VSC. These five are:
The osseous (bone) component
The Nerve Component
The Muscle Component
The Soft Tissue Component
The Chemical Component
Chiropractors have known about the dangers of subluxations for over one hundred years. Today, more scientific evidence is showing the dangers of subluxations and the health benefits of correcting them. To be truly healthy, it is vital that your nervous system be functioning free of interference from subluxations. Our goal is to allow your body to return itself to the highest level of health possible by correcting VSC.
For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at 440-639-9171
or visit our website at
**Be sure to check out our front page for our exclusive internet option**
Monday, January 2, 2012
Hanging with the RIGHT Crowd!
It's resolution time again! Like everyone, you've probably set goals to improve your lifestyle and get your health on track. The question is, are you hanging out with the right people to succeed?
There's a saying that goes 'if you want to be happy, hang out with happy people.' The same can be said for being HEALTHY. Ever notice the people who hang out at the Chiropractor's office? They're generally health conscious and excited about Life. Most of them didn't start off that way. At some point they decided to maintain their spines like other happy, healthy Chiropractic clients and eventually became happier and healthier people themselves.
If you're resolved to being more sick, more tired and more medicated, then hang out at your local pharmacy or hospital. On the other hand, if you're committed to renewing your health and improving your Life in 2012, then spend more time with people who can get you there. We'll be hanging out at the Chiropractor's office.
For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at
440-639-9171 or visit our website at
* Be sure sure to check out our exclusive new patient offer on our home page!*
There's a saying that goes 'if you want to be happy, hang out with happy people.' The same can be said for being HEALTHY. Ever notice the people who hang out at the Chiropractor's office? They're generally health conscious and excited about Life. Most of them didn't start off that way. At some point they decided to maintain their spines like other happy, healthy Chiropractic clients and eventually became happier and healthier people themselves.
If you're resolved to being more sick, more tired and more medicated, then hang out at your local pharmacy or hospital. On the other hand, if you're committed to renewing your health and improving your Life in 2012, then spend more time with people who can get you there. We'll be hanging out at the Chiropractor's office.
For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at
440-639-9171 or visit our website at
* Be sure sure to check out our exclusive new patient offer on our home page!*
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