Construction zones are hectic. Traffic congestion, safety cones guarding hazardous areas and heavy equipment buzzing everywhere. It’s amazing anything gets done amid the chaos. But underneath that chaos is organization: A team of skilled engineers and contractors carefully working the plan until it reaches completion. It's similar when you heal under Chiropractic care.
Like a construction zone, organic healing with Chiropractic can appear disorganized and chaotic at times. You might see an improvement in unrelated aspects of your health before your chief complaints begins to respond. But like the construction zone, behind the scene is a sophisticated innate wisdom inside you, moving the process forward with a mastery beyond comprehension.
Sometimes care feels like 'stop and go traffic.' But be patient. Amid the chaos, healing is happening – with precision and patience, the job is getting done. You’ve got the right plan (Chiropractic Care) and the best engineer (Innate Intelligence) working for you.
For more information or schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at
440-639-9171 or visit
Be sure to check out our internet offer on our website!

Monday, October 31, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
An Alternative Therapy for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is characterized by persistent and severe fatigue, and is often associated with difficulty sleeping and concentrating, sore throat, depression, and aching muscles and joints.
In the 1980s, CFS was often dismissed as the "yuppie flu," and people who complained of constant fatigue were told that it was all in their heads or were misdiagnosed with related problems.
The diagnosis remains elusive today. While diagnostic criteria for CFS were developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 1994, the cause or causes of CFS are still not clear. People with CFS often have to do their own research and consult several medical experts before a diagnosis can be made.
"I had to work hard to find a doctor who actually understood the illness and believed me," said Marie K. "I would bring all my books and magazine articles with me as I went from expert to expert trying to find help."
When it's that difficult to get a diagnosis, it may be even harder to ask a medical practitioner about alternative or complementary forms of treatment. Although there are no specific conventional treatments for CFS, doctors tend to prescribe low doses of antidepressants, anti-inflammatory agents, antivirals, and immunologically active drugs, such as isoprinosine.
If taking medication for a prolonged period is troublesome to you, or you are simply looking for a way to supplement conventional treatment with some complementary treatment, there are a number of therapies you can try. Because there is no cure at this time, many people with CFS find that the best treatment is more a matter of learning to cope with and alleviate the symptoms.
Work with your medical practitioner to develop a program, but understand that the criteria for feeling better are all subjective, so only you can be the best judge of what's working and what's not.
Chiropractic care and osteopathy are hands-on, adjusting techniques that have provided relief to many people with CFS. Physical therapy may be helpful as well.
Chiropractic works on vitality and good health are due to an unobstructed flow of nerve impulses from the brain through the spinal nerves and throughout the rest of the body. It is thought that when misalignments or "subluxations" occur, such as joint disfunctions, joint adhesions or joint fixations, there is an interference with the normal transmission of nerve impulses. If this continues over a long period of time, there is impaired capability, often accompanied by pain. A chiropractor uses "adjustments"—quick , forceful movements—to change the range of joint movement back to normal.
For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at
440-639-9171 or visit our website at
Monday, October 24, 2011
“It Starts with a Solid Foundation”
A house built on a strong foundation, lasts. The same goes for your health. If you want a healthy body for Life, you need to start with a solid foundation of health care that can support it for a long time.
Chiropractic's foundation is its Principle which acknowledges we all posses an intelligent, vitalistic force within us that maintains our existence and keeps our bodies working in perfect order. When this Power is allowed to express itself 100%, we have health. When the Power is interfered with, we have Dis-Ease.
Eating properly is important, and so is exercise… but if the Power doesn't flow, your house will crumble.
Health built on a foundation of drug therapy is risky and cannot stand for long. Health build on a foundation that supports the innate wisdom of the body, can weather any storm. What foundation is your health standing on?
For more information or to schedula an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at
440-639-9171 or visit
Chiropractic's foundation is its Principle which acknowledges we all posses an intelligent, vitalistic force within us that maintains our existence and keeps our bodies working in perfect order. When this Power is allowed to express itself 100%, we have health. When the Power is interfered with, we have Dis-Ease.
Eating properly is important, and so is exercise… but if the Power doesn't flow, your house will crumble.
Health built on a foundation of drug therapy is risky and cannot stand for long. Health build on a foundation that supports the innate wisdom of the body, can weather any storm. What foundation is your health standing on?
For more information or to schedula an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at
440-639-9171 or visit
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Can Chiropractic Care Reduce the Risk of Alzheimer's?
A slow starvation of the brain over time is one of the major triggers of the biochemistry that causes some forms of Alzheimer’s, according to a new study that is helping to crack the mystery of the disease’s origin.
Robert Vassar of Northwestern University recently found that when the brain doesn’t get enough glucose, a process is launched that ultimately produces the sticky clumps of protein that appear to be a cause of Alzheimer’s. The brain can become deprived of adequate nutrients when its blood flow becomes restricted. “This finding is significant because it suggests that improving blood flow to the brain might be an effective therapeutic approach to prevent or treat Alzheimer’s,” he said.
This is a very exciting prospect of this finding because upper cervical adjustments performed by chiropractors improve the biomechanics of the cervical spine, which carries and protects the vertebral arteries.
Two vertebral arteries travel up the sides of the neck, into the skull, fueling the brain with nutrient-rich blood. Misalignment of the first cervical vertebra (C1), also called the Atlas, can stretch or apply unilateral traction to these arteries, possibly altering blood flow to one or both sides of the brain.
Robert Vassar of Northwestern University recently found that when the brain doesn’t get enough glucose, a process is launched that ultimately produces the sticky clumps of protein that appear to be a cause of Alzheimer’s. The brain can become deprived of adequate nutrients when its blood flow becomes restricted. “This finding is significant because it suggests that improving blood flow to the brain might be an effective therapeutic approach to prevent or treat Alzheimer’s,” he said.
This is a very exciting prospect of this finding because upper cervical adjustments performed by chiropractors improve the biomechanics of the cervical spine, which carries and protects the vertebral arteries.
Two vertebral arteries travel up the sides of the neck, into the skull, fueling the brain with nutrient-rich blood. Misalignment of the first cervical vertebra (C1), also called the Atlas, can stretch or apply unilateral traction to these arteries, possibly altering blood flow to one or both sides of the brain.
Receiving Upper Cervical chiropractic care can correct this misalignment, and may be of tremendous benefit to the 10,000,000 baby-boomers who are at risk for developing Alzheimer's Disease in their lifetime.
For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at
440-639-9171 or visit our website at
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Chiropractic for Temporomandibular Joint Disorder
Chiropractic care for the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) can ease pain by correcting the misalignment between the spine and nervous system. Chiropractic can be effective at reducing the pain associated with TMJ, either when used alone or as a complement to other treatments. This is because, rather than change the diet or modify the teeth, it relaxes the muscles, adjusts the joint and uses specific trigger points to accurately re-position the jaw. When done successfully, this will not only relieve pain in the short run (as would medications or eating soft foods), but it will help prevent TMJ pain from returning.
Chiropractic treatment of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) focuses on relieving tension in the muscles around the joints themselves—working both outside and inside the mouth, using massage and trigger point therapy. A trigger point is a very sensitive area made of muscle fibers. Trigger points feel like knots and may cause pain or even a twitching response when pressure is applied to them. A chiropractor can adjust trigger points in such a way to alleviate the pain associated with them.
Trigger points common to TMJ include:
In some cases, misalignment of the jaw that results from improper posture or a back problem can cause temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. An approach to treating TMJ caused by misalignment in the neck and upper back is to perform chiropractic adjustments on the spinal joint in these areas. In addition, a chiropractor may use massage to relieve tight muscles in the back around the spine. This reduces the amount of stress put on the jaw so that other treatments to adjust the jaw will be more effective.
When these treatments are employed, motion of the jaw joint can improve and symptoms such as ear pain, jaw locking, headaches, and neck pain can be reduced.
Many report relief and satisfaction with chiropractic care for temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. In a survey of 192 members of a health maintenance organization published in 2003, nearly two-thirds reported using some form of complementary medicine to treat TMJ. Almost everyone surveyed used complementary approaches together with other traditional treatments, and the greatest satisfaction was reported for the hands-on alternative therapies, including chiropractic.
Chiropractic may be used alone or in conjunction with other treatment approaches. Medications can include anti-inflammatories, analgesics (pain killers) and muscle relaxants, as well as local injections of corticosteroids in severe cases. Application of hot and cold compresses also reduces inflammation. When teeth grinding or clenching is an issue, wearing a mouth night guard can help prevent these actions during sleep. Bite plates can help correct misalignment. Stress reduction, relaxation techniques, jaw-stretching exercises, and modifying chewing habits are all behavioral approaches that are proven effective.
More research into chiropractic methods used to treat temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder are needed; meanwhile, evidence from existing studies as well as patient testimony suggest that chiropractic therapies are helpful in relieving TMJ symptoms.
For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at
440-639-9171 or visit our website at
Chiropractic treatment of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) focuses on relieving tension in the muscles around the joints themselves—working both outside and inside the mouth, using massage and trigger point therapy. A trigger point is a very sensitive area made of muscle fibers. Trigger points feel like knots and may cause pain or even a twitching response when pressure is applied to them. A chiropractor can adjust trigger points in such a way to alleviate the pain associated with them.
Trigger points common to TMJ include:
- Trapezius muscle, located at the base of the neck. Adjusting this trigger point can influence the areas behind the ear, at the temple and at the jaw bone.
- Sternocleidomastoid muscle, located along the neck from the collarbone to the ear. This trigger point can be used to relieve pain in the forehead, front of the jaw and around the eye socket.
- Masseter muscle, located at the back of the jaw. This refers to pain in the upper jaw, ear and above the eye.
- Medial Pterygoid muscle, located behind the molars on the jaw. This trigger point influences pain in the TMJ, as well as in the ear, nose, lower jaw, and the neck.
In some cases, misalignment of the jaw that results from improper posture or a back problem can cause temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. An approach to treating TMJ caused by misalignment in the neck and upper back is to perform chiropractic adjustments on the spinal joint in these areas. In addition, a chiropractor may use massage to relieve tight muscles in the back around the spine. This reduces the amount of stress put on the jaw so that other treatments to adjust the jaw will be more effective.
When these treatments are employed, motion of the jaw joint can improve and symptoms such as ear pain, jaw locking, headaches, and neck pain can be reduced.
Why use Chiropractic for Temporomandibular Joint Disorder?
While there are numerous ways to effectively treat temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, scientific studies have shown that chiropractic was helpful in cases of TMJ. In a 2003 study, 15 participants were administered treatments with the Activator Method, which uses a tool that delivers high-frequency, low-impact adjustments. All participants showed improvements in the distance they could open their jaws and in pain measurements. Although this group was not compared to a group receiving traditional treatment, it shows that chiropractic treatments like the Activator Method show promise as an emerging treatment for temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD).Many report relief and satisfaction with chiropractic care for temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. In a survey of 192 members of a health maintenance organization published in 2003, nearly two-thirds reported using some form of complementary medicine to treat TMJ. Almost everyone surveyed used complementary approaches together with other traditional treatments, and the greatest satisfaction was reported for the hands-on alternative therapies, including chiropractic.
Chiropractic may be used alone or in conjunction with other treatment approaches. Medications can include anti-inflammatories, analgesics (pain killers) and muscle relaxants, as well as local injections of corticosteroids in severe cases. Application of hot and cold compresses also reduces inflammation. When teeth grinding or clenching is an issue, wearing a mouth night guard can help prevent these actions during sleep. Bite plates can help correct misalignment. Stress reduction, relaxation techniques, jaw-stretching exercises, and modifying chewing habits are all behavioral approaches that are proven effective.
More research into chiropractic methods used to treat temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder are needed; meanwhile, evidence from existing studies as well as patient testimony suggest that chiropractic therapies are helpful in relieving TMJ symptoms.
For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at
440-639-9171 or visit our website at
Monday, October 17, 2011
“Garbage in Your Nerve System”
What would happen if your garbage didn’t get picked up for a few weeks? Your house would get pretty stinky wouldn't it? The same can be said for you, if your Nerve System garbage isn't dumped regularly too.
Physical, chemical and emotional stresses that accumulate in your Nerve System are called Subluxations (Chiropractic term for nerve interference). If not cleared regularly, stress from Subluxations can spill over into your body and cause poor sleep, fatigue, weakened immunity, chronic pains, anxiety or poor digestion.
People who keep their Nerve System 'clean' with regular Chiropractic adjustments report having more energy, better recovery from injuries and an improved state of mind. If you’re feeling sluggish, weak and bogged down, maybe it’s time to dump your nerve system garbage. Get to the Chiropractor today!
For more information please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at 440-639-9171 or visit our website at
Physical, chemical and emotional stresses that accumulate in your Nerve System are called Subluxations (Chiropractic term for nerve interference). If not cleared regularly, stress from Subluxations can spill over into your body and cause poor sleep, fatigue, weakened immunity, chronic pains, anxiety or poor digestion.
People who keep their Nerve System 'clean' with regular Chiropractic adjustments report having more energy, better recovery from injuries and an improved state of mind. If you’re feeling sluggish, weak and bogged down, maybe it’s time to dump your nerve system garbage. Get to the Chiropractor today!
For more information please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at 440-639-9171 or visit our website at
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Are Chiropractic and Massage Therapy complementary?
Chiropractic and massage therapy, used in combination, form a powerful healing approach that addresses pain on many levels. Both long-term muscle tension and sudden impacts, such as falls, can pull and hold joints out of normal alignment. Chiropractic uses adjustments to return the joints to their normal positions and restore joint mobility. Joint misalignments or subluxations, are often accompanied by tension or injury to the surrounding muscles, and ligaments. These tissues can produce pain that spreads because it causes protective muscle tightening in surrounding areas. Over time, tight, inflamed muscles and fascia suffer poor circulation and can develop adhesions that prevent muscles from lengthening completely. Painful trigger points can also develop, referring pain or tingling to other areas in the body. Addressing soft tissue problems is an important complement to chiropractic care. Muscles move joints, while ligaments support them. If a subluxation is adjusted without addressing related soft tissues, the whole problem is not being addressed and the pain and dysfunction may persist.
- Drug Free, non-invasive, hands-on, natural.
- Works by aligning your spine through adjustments to ensure that messages flowing constantly between the body and the brain are not blocked.
- Initial examination locates areas of nervous system misalignment, which are then adjusted to reduce interference and promote good health.
- Assessment of spinal problems can identify more serious conditions, which require different intervention.
- Helps the nervous system to work the way it should, thereby assisting with increased blood flow to muscle and tissue, relieving numbness, weakness and pain.
Massage Therapy:
§ Drug-free, non-invasive, hands-on, natural.
§ Works by changing the condition of soft tissues, muscles, tendons and connective tissue through the application of external pressure.
§ Increases blood and lymphatic circulation.
§ Relieves muscle spasms and cramps.
§ Promotes a decrease in blood pressure and heart rate, make it especially helpful for people dealing with anxiety and stress.
Chiropractic and Massage Therapy are actually two very different forms of natural therapy. You can, depending on the circumstances, obtain relief from either method. However, the best long-term way of keeping your body in a state of optimum health is to combine the two.
For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at
440-639-9171 or visit
Monday, October 10, 2011
Flu Shots and Airport Security
When anything other than food enters your body, it gets 'screened' in the mucous membranes of your nose, mouth and gut with suspicion and rejected if necessary… like TSA Agents screening luggage for dangerous materials before they're allowed on a plane. Sneezing, runny noses and coughs are your body's natural way of preventing harmful dust, germs and foreign chemicals from 'getting on board.'
When you INJECT foreign virus material and chemicals from a flu shot directly into your body, this natural innate screening process is bypassed and hazardous materials are allowed to pass freely into secure areas, like your blood stream and soft tissues. The potential for trouble begins.
How comfortable would you feel getting on a plane knowing the bags didn't get X-Rayed first? If your answer is 'not very comfortable' then consider how safe your body feels when chemicals in the flu shot like Mercury (in the form of Thimerisol), Formaldehyde and Glycol are allowed bypass your body's check-in and go for a ride inside you. There are safer, natural ways to protect yourself from the flu this year. Ask your Chiropractor how.
For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at
440-639-9171 or visit our website at
When you INJECT foreign virus material and chemicals from a flu shot directly into your body, this natural innate screening process is bypassed and hazardous materials are allowed to pass freely into secure areas, like your blood stream and soft tissues. The potential for trouble begins.
How comfortable would you feel getting on a plane knowing the bags didn't get X-Rayed first? If your answer is 'not very comfortable' then consider how safe your body feels when chemicals in the flu shot like Mercury (in the form of Thimerisol), Formaldehyde and Glycol are allowed bypass your body's check-in and go for a ride inside you. There are safer, natural ways to protect yourself from the flu this year. Ask your Chiropractor how.
For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at
440-639-9171 or visit our website at
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Chiropractic Care for Seniors
A three-year study of senior citizens over 75 years of age revealed that seniors who receive chiropractic care spend fewer days in hospitals and nursing homes than elderly non-chiropractic patients.
Senior citizens under chiropractic care report better overall health, have fewer chronic conditions, and are less likely to use prescription drugs than non-chiropractic patients.
The senior chiropractic patients were more likely to exercise vigorously and more likely to be active in the community.
87% of senior citizens under chiropractic care described their health status as good or excellent, compared to only 65% of non-chiropractic patients.
Chiropractic patients spend 15% less time in nursing homes and 21% less time in hospitals than the non-chiropractic patients.
As the popluation ages, more people are consulting doctors of chiropractic, especially in their later years. As we live longer, there are growing concerns about over-medication and the side effects of combining various prescription drugs. Safe, natural chiropractic care is growing in popularity. Restoring proper nerve and spinal function can help improve mobility, vitality, and endurance, and therefore the quality of life.
For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at
440-639-9171 or visit our website
Senior citizens under chiropractic care report better overall health, have fewer chronic conditions, and are less likely to use prescription drugs than non-chiropractic patients.
The senior chiropractic patients were more likely to exercise vigorously and more likely to be active in the community.
87% of senior citizens under chiropractic care described their health status as good or excellent, compared to only 65% of non-chiropractic patients.
Chiropractic patients spend 15% less time in nursing homes and 21% less time in hospitals than the non-chiropractic patients.
As the popluation ages, more people are consulting doctors of chiropractic, especially in their later years. As we live longer, there are growing concerns about over-medication and the side effects of combining various prescription drugs. Safe, natural chiropractic care is growing in popularity. Restoring proper nerve and spinal function can help improve mobility, vitality, and endurance, and therefore the quality of life.
For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at
440-639-9171 or visit our website
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
You Won’t Hear This on the Radio
Ever notice that you rarely hear prescription drug commercials on the radio? Television's a different story. Every other commercial on TV is for a pill to fix your stomach problems, sleep disturbances or allergy. They all end with a monologue of side effects, voiced over a distracting video of happy people playing in the background. You can't pull off that off on radio.
The FDA has urged pharmaceutical companies to stop using distracting images and music in their TV drug ads following complaints that manufacturers deliberately used misleading techniques to downplay their products' risks while emphasizing potential benefits. We have a better solution.
When a drug commercial comes on TV just close your eyes and LISTEN… The side effects will be more apparent (and disturbing) when you're not distracted by the 'pretty visuals.' Big Pharma doesn't want you to think about the risks associated with taking their drugs. But if you close your eyes and listen closely, you'll learn how ridiculous, dangerous and deadly their products can be.
For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at 440-639-9171 or visit our website at
The FDA has urged pharmaceutical companies to stop using distracting images and music in their TV drug ads following complaints that manufacturers deliberately used misleading techniques to downplay their products' risks while emphasizing potential benefits. We have a better solution.
When a drug commercial comes on TV just close your eyes and LISTEN… The side effects will be more apparent (and disturbing) when you're not distracted by the 'pretty visuals.' Big Pharma doesn't want you to think about the risks associated with taking their drugs. But if you close your eyes and listen closely, you'll learn how ridiculous, dangerous and deadly their products can be.
For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at 440-639-9171 or visit our website at
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
How Does Chiropractic Help Your Immune System?
The benefits of chiropractic care for your health are numerous.
Some of the many benefits include pain relief in your joints, back, or head. Others may include increased mobility, performance, balance, coordination or energy.
Our Creator God has given us all the power of health within our own bodies enabling your body to heal itself. It is not normal or healthy to have chronic pain or even the occasional cold or headache. A person can be unhealthy without any symptoms whatsoever. For example, 35% of all heart attacks happen without any prior symptoms or warning signs. Were those 35% healthy the day before their heart attack?
Since its inception, chiropractic has asserted that viruses and microbes don't threaten us all equally and that a healthy immune system easily repels most invaders. The immune system protects us from the flu, as well as any other infectious disease, and strives to get us well again when we do fall ill. Our immune system, like every other system in the body, is coordinated and controlled by the nervous system. For example, nerve cell endings in the skin and white blood cells of the immune system are in intimate contact, and chemicals secreted by the nerves can shut down immune system cells nearby.
Chiropractic corrects spinal abnormalities called vertebral subluxations that result in interference of the nervous system by placing pressure on nerves. Since the nervous system controls all functions of the body, including the immune system, chiropractic care can have a positive effect on immune function.
During an immune response, the brain and the immune system 'talk to each other' and this process is essential for maintaining homeostasis or balance in the body. If the Nervous System is not functioning properly, then the Immune System cannot function at 100%, thus the body becomes fertile ground for bacteria, viruses and illness
Children who have regular Chiropractic adjustments have fewer colds, ear infections and flu. People who receive regular chiropractic adjustments have immune system competency that is 200% greater than those who don't. Even though you are not sick, your body may be acquiring misalignments of the spine (subluxations) that are interfering with your nervous system and thus your immune system. Regular chiropractic check-ups can help you to maintain a healthy immune system and stave off illnesses or allergies. A chiropractic adjustment will restore the balance of your nervous system and restore the flow of energy and information throughout the body, thus validating one of the great benefits of chiropractic care!
For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at 440-639-9171 or visit our website at
Some of the many benefits include pain relief in your joints, back, or head. Others may include increased mobility, performance, balance, coordination or energy.
Our Creator God has given us all the power of health within our own bodies enabling your body to heal itself. It is not normal or healthy to have chronic pain or even the occasional cold or headache. A person can be unhealthy without any symptoms whatsoever. For example, 35% of all heart attacks happen without any prior symptoms or warning signs. Were those 35% healthy the day before their heart attack?
Since its inception, chiropractic has asserted that viruses and microbes don't threaten us all equally and that a healthy immune system easily repels most invaders. The immune system protects us from the flu, as well as any other infectious disease, and strives to get us well again when we do fall ill. Our immune system, like every other system in the body, is coordinated and controlled by the nervous system. For example, nerve cell endings in the skin and white blood cells of the immune system are in intimate contact, and chemicals secreted by the nerves can shut down immune system cells nearby.
Chiropractic corrects spinal abnormalities called vertebral subluxations that result in interference of the nervous system by placing pressure on nerves. Since the nervous system controls all functions of the body, including the immune system, chiropractic care can have a positive effect on immune function.
During an immune response, the brain and the immune system 'talk to each other' and this process is essential for maintaining homeostasis or balance in the body. If the Nervous System is not functioning properly, then the Immune System cannot function at 100%, thus the body becomes fertile ground for bacteria, viruses and illness
Children who have regular Chiropractic adjustments have fewer colds, ear infections and flu. People who receive regular chiropractic adjustments have immune system competency that is 200% greater than those who don't. Even though you are not sick, your body may be acquiring misalignments of the spine (subluxations) that are interfering with your nervous system and thus your immune system. Regular chiropractic check-ups can help you to maintain a healthy immune system and stave off illnesses or allergies. A chiropractic adjustment will restore the balance of your nervous system and restore the flow of energy and information throughout the body, thus validating one of the great benefits of chiropractic care!
For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at 440-639-9171 or visit our website at
Monday, October 3, 2011
Nothing Organic About a Flu Shot
Spray pesticides on an apple and it's no longer organic. Add a drop of oil to a glass of spring water and it's no longer pure. Most Americans detest the idea of dumping chemicals in a pristine, natural environment. But why not have the same aversion when it comes to getting the flu shot?
Maybe it's because you don't realize what's in it: Mercury (a known neurotoxin in the form of thimerisol), Glycol (a component in antifreeze) and Formaldehyde (the stuff they preserve cadavers with). If you dumped those chemicals in your local water supply you'd get arrested. But every year, unknowing Americans line up at CVS to get this stuff injected into their veins.
Given the choice to eat an organic apple vs. one blasted with toxic chemicals, you know which one you'd rather take a bite out of. Question is, would you take a bite out of yourself after getting injected with the ingredients in the flu shot? There are natural, alternative ways to boost your immune system and protect yourself from the flu. Ask your Chiropractor what they are so you can keep your body ORGANIC this season.
For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at
440-639-9171 or visit our website at
Maybe it's because you don't realize what's in it: Mercury (a known neurotoxin in the form of thimerisol), Glycol (a component in antifreeze) and Formaldehyde (the stuff they preserve cadavers with). If you dumped those chemicals in your local water supply you'd get arrested. But every year, unknowing Americans line up at CVS to get this stuff injected into their veins.
Given the choice to eat an organic apple vs. one blasted with toxic chemicals, you know which one you'd rather take a bite out of. Question is, would you take a bite out of yourself after getting injected with the ingredients in the flu shot? There are natural, alternative ways to boost your immune system and protect yourself from the flu. Ask your Chiropractor what they are so you can keep your body ORGANIC this season.
For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at
440-639-9171 or visit our website at
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