7 Year-Old With Chronic Asthma Responds To Chiropractic Care
The November 26, 2007 issue of the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation
Research reports on a case study where a 7 year-old girl with chronic
severe persistent asthma responded very quickly to a course of
chiropractic care.
Her mother reported that her symptoms began around the age of 2 and
by 4 years of age she was diagnosed with asthma. Almost anything from
dust to cold drafts would trigger an asthma attack.
She was taking oral medication twice a day and using 24 inhalations
from three different inhalers four times a day. Singulair, Claritin,
Albuterol, Pulmicort, Tussi, Elidel, Nasonex, Xopenex, Pred Atrovent,
Advair, Crantex, Zantac, PhenerganW/Codeine, Histenex, Tussionex,
Tilade, and Theo 24 were being used to manage her chronic coughs and
fevers. Even at this level of medication she was unable to engage in
any physical activity and experienced daily attacks, nearly constant
wheezing and coughing, a tight and heavy chest and approximately five
visits per year to the emergency room.
Previous research has shown that spinal subluxation involvement in
the upper and lower thoracic spine correlated with the reduction in
forced expiratory volume (the amount of air a person can force out)
that is normally associated with asthma. This patient showed very
high levels of abnormal muscle function in these areas indicating
spinal subluxations or misalignments.
After her first adjustment, the patient’s cough disappeared that
evening. Over the next four weeks, her attacks had stopped completely
and her inhaler use decreased to 0 per day as well. The wheezing,
chest tightness and heaviness subsided and her mother reported that
her activity levels increased from only walking to participating in
swimming and running sports.
Before beginning chiropractic care her lung function measured 54% of
the normal for her height and weight. At her last medical evaluation
her lung function had improved 74% and was now less than 5% below
normal for her height and weight.
The patient is currently being seen 1-2 times per month on a wellness
care basis. She has not been sick or had an attack in more than 3 years.
For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at
440-639-9171 or visit our website at http://www.morriswellness.com/

Thursday, July 28, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Can Chiropractic Care Reduce the Risk of Alzheimer's?
A slow starvation of the brain over time is one of the major triggers of the biochemistry that causes some forms of Alzheimer’s, according to a new study that is helping to crack the mystery of the disease’s origin.
Robert Vassar of Northwestern University recently found that when the brain doesn’t get enough glucose, a process is launched that ultimately produces the sticky clumps of protein that appear to be a cause of Alzheimer’s. The brain can become deprived of adequate nutrients when its blood flow becomes restricted. “This finding is significant because it suggests that improving blood flow to the brain might be an effective therapeutic approach to prevent or treat Alzheimer’s,” he said.
This is a very exciting prospect of this finding because upper cervical adjustments performed by chiropractors improve the biomechanics of the cervical spine, which carries and protects the vertebral arteries.
Two vertebral arteries travel up the sides of the neck, into the skull, fueling the brain with nutrient-rich blood. Misalignment of the first cervical vertebra (C1), also called the Atlas, can stretch or apply unilateral traction to these arteries, possibly altering blood flow to one or both sides of the brain.
Robert Vassar of Northwestern University recently found that when the brain doesn’t get enough glucose, a process is launched that ultimately produces the sticky clumps of protein that appear to be a cause of Alzheimer’s. The brain can become deprived of adequate nutrients when its blood flow becomes restricted. “This finding is significant because it suggests that improving blood flow to the brain might be an effective therapeutic approach to prevent or treat Alzheimer’s,” he said.
This is a very exciting prospect of this finding because upper cervical adjustments performed by chiropractors improve the biomechanics of the cervical spine, which carries and protects the vertebral arteries.
Two vertebral arteries travel up the sides of the neck, into the skull, fueling the brain with nutrient-rich blood. Misalignment of the first cervical vertebra (C1), also called the Atlas, can stretch or apply unilateral traction to these arteries, possibly altering blood flow to one or both sides of the brain.
Receiving Upper Cervical chiropractic care can correct this misalignment, and may be of tremendous benefit to the 10,000,000 baby-boomers who are at risk for developing Alzheimer's Disease in their lifetime.
For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at
440-639-9171 or visit our website at http://www.morriswellness.com/
Monday, July 25, 2011
“One Down… the Rest of Your LIFE to Go!”
How many healthy meals does it take to lose 20 lbs? Or how many miles on the treadmill does it take to shed 5 inches? It obviously takes more than just one, and you've got to stick with it to maintain the results. Well, the same goes for your Chiropractic care.
It takes more than one adjustment to change your state of health. It's true the body has a greater potential to improve even after just one adjustment. But like eating well and exercising, you achieve lasting results only with repetition and consistency.
So how long should you stick with your new diet regimen, exercise routine or spinal maintenance plan? The answer is, as long as you want to be healthy… and hopefully that's for the rest of your Life. In the world of fitness, healthy eating and Chiropractic, there's no such thing as 'one and done.' You've got to stick with it to reap the rewards.
For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at440-639-9171 or visit our website at http://www.morriswellness.com/
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Can Chiropractic Help With Ear Infections?
Ear pain is the number one reason for child visits to chiropractors. Many chiropractors believe that there is a strong link between the birthing process and recurrent ear infection, also known as otitis media. During the birthing process, cervical (neck) vertebrae can become misaligned, disrupting nerve function, which can affect the eustachian tube. This may lead to fluid buildup in the middle ear and cause otitis media.
Ear infection or otitis media accounts for over 35% of all pediatrician visits in the United States. Antibiotics, the usual treatment, are not always effective and may even lead to a recurrence of ear infections. Many children are dealing with a continuing cycle of repeat ear infections, which lands them back at the pediatrician for more antibiotics. For nearly 100 years, the chiropractic profession has claimed that ear and other upper respiratory infections respond favorably to chiropractic adjustments.
A promising study published in the Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics indicates that there is a strong correlation between chiropractic adjustments and the resolution of ear infections. 332 children with chronic ear infections participated in the study. Each child, ranging in age from 27 days to 5 years, was given a series of chiropractic adjustments. The results show that close to 80% of the children did not experience another ear infection within the six-month period following their initial visits.
For more information on this or to schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at
440-639-9171 or visit our website at http://www.morriswellness.com/
Ear infection or otitis media accounts for over 35% of all pediatrician visits in the United States. Antibiotics, the usual treatment, are not always effective and may even lead to a recurrence of ear infections. Many children are dealing with a continuing cycle of repeat ear infections, which lands them back at the pediatrician for more antibiotics. For nearly 100 years, the chiropractic profession has claimed that ear and other upper respiratory infections respond favorably to chiropractic adjustments.
A promising study published in the Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics indicates that there is a strong correlation between chiropractic adjustments and the resolution of ear infections. 332 children with chronic ear infections participated in the study. Each child, ranging in age from 27 days to 5 years, was given a series of chiropractic adjustments. The results show that close to 80% of the children did not experience another ear infection within the six-month period following their initial visits.
For more information on this or to schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at
440-639-9171 or visit our website at http://www.morriswellness.com/
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
How Does Chiropractic Care Enhance Your Immune System?
Since its inception, chiropractic has asserted that viruses and microbes don't threaten us all equally and that a healthy immune system easily repels most invaders. The immune system protects us from the flu, as well as any other infectious disease, and strives to get us well again when we do fall ill. Our immune system, like every other system in the body, is coordinated and controlled by the nervous system. For example, nerve cell endings in the skin and white blood cells of the immune system are in intimate contact, and chemicals secreted by the nerves can shut down immune system cells nearby.
Chiropractic corrects spinal abnormalities called vertebral subluxations that result in interference of the nervous system by placing pressure on nerves. Since the nervous system controls all functions of the body, including the immune system, chiropractic care can have a positive effect on immune function.
During an immune response, the brain and the immune system 'talk to each other' and this process is essential for maintaining homeostasis or balance in the body. If the Nervous System is not functioning properly, then the Immune System cannot function at 100%, thus the body becomes fertile ground for bacteria, viruses and illness
Children who have regular Chiropractic adjustments have fewer colds, ear infections and flu. People who receive regular chiropractic adjustments have immune system competency that is 200% greater than those who don't. Even though you are not sick, your body may be acquiring misalignments of the spine (subluxations) that are interfering with your nervous system and thus your immune system. Regular chiropractic check-ups can help you to maintain a healthy immune system and stave off illnesses or allergies. A chiropractic adjustment will restore the balance of your nervous system and restore the flow of energy and information throughout the body, thus validating one of the great benefits of chiropractic care!
For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiorpractic
at 440-639-9171 or visit our website http://www.morriswellness.com/
Chiropractic corrects spinal abnormalities called vertebral subluxations that result in interference of the nervous system by placing pressure on nerves. Since the nervous system controls all functions of the body, including the immune system, chiropractic care can have a positive effect on immune function.
During an immune response, the brain and the immune system 'talk to each other' and this process is essential for maintaining homeostasis or balance in the body. If the Nervous System is not functioning properly, then the Immune System cannot function at 100%, thus the body becomes fertile ground for bacteria, viruses and illness
Children who have regular Chiropractic adjustments have fewer colds, ear infections and flu. People who receive regular chiropractic adjustments have immune system competency that is 200% greater than those who don't. Even though you are not sick, your body may be acquiring misalignments of the spine (subluxations) that are interfering with your nervous system and thus your immune system. Regular chiropractic check-ups can help you to maintain a healthy immune system and stave off illnesses or allergies. A chiropractic adjustment will restore the balance of your nervous system and restore the flow of energy and information throughout the body, thus validating one of the great benefits of chiropractic care!
For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiorpractic
at 440-639-9171 or visit our website http://www.morriswellness.com/
Monday, July 18, 2011
“The Super Glue of LIFE”
Ever wonder what keeps your heart beating in rhythm while you exercise, or knows the exact amount of white blood cells to produce when you're fighting an infection? How about mending a broken bone? Is it the cast that unites damaged bone or the bandage that seals broken skin? Think again.
Chiropractors recognize that there's an intangible force, an innate intelligence far greater than we can understand that holds us together and keeps us alive… an intelligent 'super glue' that binds together all our cells, tissues and organs and coordinates their various functions to produce health. It grew you from two microscopic cells into a thriving, vibrant person and maintains your existence at this very moment.BJ Palmer, the developer of Chiropractic, once asked… “have you more faith in a knife or a spoonful of medicine than in the power that animates the living world?" That's a question every chiropractic patient must answer honestly for themselves if they truly want to get the most out of their care.
For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at
440-639-9171 or visit our website at http://www.morriswellness.com/
And remember..."A Healthy spine means a Healthier you!"
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Many athletes are often unable to play or deliver utmost performance because of physical injuries. Many realize that administration of drugs to deal with the pain isn't always the best solution. Orally taken drugs can only go as far as mask the symptoms, and the injury may worsen when the athlete goes back to performing right away without solving the root cause. That's why more and more people are taking advantage of chiropractic for sport injury these days.
It's not unlikely for you to hear of seasoned athletes to have their own chiropractors around. This natural health care approach believes in the capability of the body to heal itself. The chiropractor gives special attention to the athlete's spine, as well as the muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves and other joints - all of which receive tremendous amount of stress during a game.
Pointing out of misaligned or displaced joints, most especially along the spine, is done. It's accompanied as well by a few neurological and orthopedic examinations. If deemed necessary, the use of diagnostic tools like x-rays or MRI scans is also done. When the problem is confirmed, spinal adjustments are often performed. Such help in aligning the joints, normalizing blood flow and nerve transmission, thus allowing the body to heal.
Since it's a non-invasive caring method, no surgical procedure is involved. Likewise, the chiropractor won't prescribe analgesics and other similar drugs. Instead, the pain will be dealt with through some natural means. Problems a chiropractor can help solve include strains, sprains, bursitis, tendonitis, and problems concerning the joints in the foot, ankle, hip, shoulder, elbow, wrist, arm and others.
It's not unlikely for you to hear of seasoned athletes to have their own chiropractors around. This natural health care approach believes in the capability of the body to heal itself. The chiropractor gives special attention to the athlete's spine, as well as the muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves and other joints - all of which receive tremendous amount of stress during a game.
Pointing out of misaligned or displaced joints, most especially along the spine, is done. It's accompanied as well by a few neurological and orthopedic examinations. If deemed necessary, the use of diagnostic tools like x-rays or MRI scans is also done. When the problem is confirmed, spinal adjustments are often performed. Such help in aligning the joints, normalizing blood flow and nerve transmission, thus allowing the body to heal.
Since it's a non-invasive caring method, no surgical procedure is involved. Likewise, the chiropractor won't prescribe analgesics and other similar drugs. Instead, the pain will be dealt with through some natural means. Problems a chiropractor can help solve include strains, sprains, bursitis, tendonitis, and problems concerning the joints in the foot, ankle, hip, shoulder, elbow, wrist, arm and others.
For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at
440-639-9171 or visit http://www.morriswellness.com/
And remember...A healthy spine means a healthier you!
Monday, July 11, 2011
The Nerve System Sponge
Your Nerve System is the ultimate sponge, soaking up all the experiences, sensations and stresses you encounter every day. Like a sponge, it can only absorb so much before it becomes over-saturated and spills stress into your body. The result… PAIN, SICKNESS and WEAK PERFORMANCE! The best thing you can do to prevent Nerve System Over-Saturation is to get checked by your Chiropractor regularly and adjusted when necessary. Adjustments gently “wring out” accumulated tension in your Nerve System before it has a chance to build up and affect your health negatively. If you're feeling super-soaked from the stress of Life, bring your saturated nerves to the Chiropractor for some TLC. You'll experience more energy, improved sleep and a better overall feeling of wellness if you do. |
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Jimmy woke up sore this morning. It isn't going to be a good day for him. He can't even turn his head a little without wincing in pain. Worst thing about it, he's got no clue how he did it… C'mon Man!
The Atlas is a small 2 oz bone that holds up the entire weight of your head, about 10-12 pounds or the size of a bowling ball. When it gets stuck in one position too long (Subluxation), it creates tension in your Nerve System and turns you into one unhappy camper.
So what 'did Jimmy in?' He fell asleep on the couch watching Desperate Housewives and now he's paying the price. He's human, it happens. We just hope Jimmy doesn't make another mistake by waiting for it to get worse. He should really get to the Chiropractor and have it checked right away. The moral of the story? Don't be a Jimmy!
For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at 440-639-9171 or visit our website at http://www.morriswellness.com/
And remember A Healthy spine means a Healthier You!
The Atlas is a small 2 oz bone that holds up the entire weight of your head, about 10-12 pounds or the size of a bowling ball. When it gets stuck in one position too long (Subluxation), it creates tension in your Nerve System and turns you into one unhappy camper.
So what 'did Jimmy in?' He fell asleep on the couch watching Desperate Housewives and now he's paying the price. He's human, it happens. We just hope Jimmy doesn't make another mistake by waiting for it to get worse. He should really get to the Chiropractor and have it checked right away. The moral of the story? Don't be a Jimmy!
For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at 440-639-9171 or visit our website at http://www.morriswellness.com/
And remember A Healthy spine means a Healthier You!
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