Back pain is often caused by dysfunction of the facet joints (interlocking “fingers” on the back of each vertebra) or by degeneration such as bulging discs. Muscle strain is another common culprit. And while it may seem illogical that any of these should affect your abdomen or digestion, it actually makes sense when you understand how the back works.
When any part of the spinal structure isn’t working properly, it affects the many nerves traveling along the spinal canal. These nerves carry instructions from the brain to every single part of your body. So if a bulging disc that causes lower back pain is pressing on a nerve that serves the stomach, for example, there’s an excellent chance that the stomach will also experience pain and function at a diminished capacity. The compressed nerves may affect the intestines also, creating digestive upset along with the stomachache. And when muscles in the back are strained, compensatory muscles in the front may become overworked as well, resulting in abdominal muscle pain.
With over fifty nerves radiating from the spine, the causes of back pain are numerous. And yet the traditional approach to treating back pain is to treat only the outer symptom – ignoring the myriad possibilities for the pain and doing nothing about those underlying causes. Medications numb the body, dull the mind and offer side effects ranging from irritating to life threatening – all for just a few hours of relief. Exercises can help strengthen muscles – but often overwork already stressed structures, increasing nerve irritation and pain. Surgery involves removing portions of the spinal column or fusing them together permanently, a drastic and risky approach that often results in future problems.
But another method is available, and it doesn’t rely on quick fixes or drastic measures to create safe, natural back pain relief.
Helping the Body Heal Itself
Back pain targeted relief image
Lasting back pain relief depends on targeting the specific underlying cause of the pain.
What chiropractic does is identify and locate areas of misalignment within the spinal area that interfere with the nerves and the proper functioning of the body. Then, these areas are safely and gently adjusted, restoring proper structure and function and allowing the body to heal itself.
This natural healing is used the world over; in fact, chiropractic is the preferred form of alternative care in the world. With licensed, well-educated and highly caring professionals, chiropractic is safe and totally drug-free! And on top of that, most insurance covers it.
For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Morris Family Chiropractic at
440-639-9171 or visit